ORT – Mudmasters – Oct 22

In Off Road Team by RNRMMSA

The end of October and the end of daylight saving brings upon the highlight of the season for the ORT’s 4×4 Navigation crews – Mudmaster. The annual event held in Scotland by BAMA brings together tough off road sections through quarries, woodland sections, and military training areas.

This year brought together Land Rovers, Motorbikes, and Military lorries. As well as civilian entries to t test their skills over two days tracking between Edinburgh and Glasgow. For the RN crew the weekend began on Friday morning taking the road North to Redfearn Barracks in Edinburgh. With the formalities of scrutineering and signing on complete pre-plot took place prior to the event start on Saturday.

Allocated car 6, the crew began Saturday morning, lined up with the other crews from across the Armed Forces setting off from the parade ground with the grand cavalry barracks providing a suitable setting.

From then on the stages came thick and fast tracking the crews around multiple areas with sections of road navigation in between. Heading over the Firth of Forth with HMS Prince of Wales in the background Truck 6 ascended into the hills to complete the final stages of the day.

Sunday morning began in Glasgow with navigation stages and off-road trials being completed. Despite mis-steps Truck 6 returned to 221 Squadron RLC Barracks for washdown and results for the weekend.